Security and Privacy Statement
Safety and Security of operations
July 2023
Mauritius Housing Company Limited is highly committed to ensuring the safety and security of
the operations of its Online services. For this reason, strong security measures are being put in
place to prevent unauthorized access which could be in the form of alteration, destruction or theft
of data and compromise the confidentiality of our customer’s data.
To create a secure and confidential online financial service environment, we adhere to strict
computer security standards and a combination of access, authentication and other security
controls have been put in place. The security measures are continuously being monitored and
reviewed to benefit from the latest technologies available.
Our Online channel is protected by advanced security features, both physical and logical and
complies with Banking Act 2004 (“Banking Act”) and the Guideline on Internet Banking issued
by the Bank of Mauritius.
MHC has considered various risks inherent in transacting over a public network such as the
Internet, and has deployed appropriate security measures to protect customers. Firewalls allow
only valid web traffic to reach our server. Proven 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption
technology is deployed to ensure that the information exchanged between your computer and over the Internet is secure and not be intruded upon. We certify that information
exchanged during a valid session is protected during its transmission over the Internet.
Additionally, the MHC has installed mechanisms such as Intrusion detection Systems for the
security of our systems.
We recognize that the privacy of our client’s personal and financial information is a fundamental
element of public trust and confidence in our Online services. We take all reasonable precautionary
measures to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse or unauthorised
access. We are well aware of our customer’s online privacy concerns and as such, adopt responsible
privacy standards to provide our customers with privacy protections in the online environment.
Please view our privacy policy for further details of our commitment towards ensuring our client’s
privacy. We have developed this policy so that you may feel confident about the privacy and
security of your personal information noted below and will ensure before we do so, that there is
adequate protection as required by relevant Data Protection legislation.
Use of Personal Information
Where MHC collect personal information about customer, this personal information may be shared
with and used by other members of the Group.
If customers register for our online mobile services, any details customers provide may be stored
for use on future visits, as MHC do not want customer to give us any information more than once.
The details customer gives us may be combined with information about customer’s use of the MHC
website and information from other of our records in order to provide you with the online products
and services requested. If customers register for our online services, MHC will treat them as having
consented to our using their personal data in the manner described in this Policy.
We currently may hold personal and financial information about you and may obtain or receive
such information about you in the future. Such information may include the identity of suppliers
of goods and services to you and the general nature of such goods and services and may also
include sensitive personal data such as information relating to your health, criminal convictions or
proceedings where we need to hold such data for the purposes of the product or services, we
provide to you or it is in the normal course of business to do so.
The information we process about you will be obtained from various sources, eg., directly from
you, from your dealings with any member of the Group including from the transactions and
operation of your accounts and services, from other organisations including credit reference from
persons who know you including joint account holders and persons with whom you are financially
For our internal operational reasons we may link information concerning your accounts with us to
information concerning other products and services we provide to you. We may also link your
information to that of other individuals with whom you are financially associated.
When you request a service or product from us, we will use the details you provide to us and details
we may already hold about you, such as how you manage your accounts with us to assist us in our
assessment process.
We will use your information to assess the suitability of our products and services for you including
the making of credit decisions about you for market purposes and analysis, to develop, improve
and market our products and services generally, to understand your purchasing preferences, to
operate and administer the products and services we provide you, for fraud prevention, for debt
recovery and for marketing purposes. Where a third party has introduced you to MHC, we may
pass back to the third party the necessary information to enable administration of any payment or
We may use your personal information for marketing purposes and may send you information
about other services and products that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive
information about our products and services you must notify us in writing.
Email addresses
We respect the privacy of personal email accounts and we store your email addresses just as
securely as other personal information. We will not send you unwanted email messages or junk
mail, and your details will not be passed to any organisation outside MHC for marketing purposes
without your explicit permission.
We may use e-mail in response to enquiries you make about our services or service issues.
Disclosure of information
We take all reasonable care to prevent any unauthorised access to your personal data.
We sometimes use other companies to provide some of our services or to provide services to us.
To enable them to do this, we may need to let them process your personal information. Our staff
and those working for our agents or contractors have a responsibility to keep your information
confidential and are only allowed to use it to offer products and services on our behalf.
We may disclose personal information, in response to properly made requests, for the purpose of
the prevention and detection of crime, and the apprehension or prosecution of offenders. We may
also disclose information for the purpose of safeguarding national security. We also disclose
information when required to do so by law, for example under a Court Order, or in response to
properly made demands under powers contained in legislation.
We subscribe to the Guidelines issued by Bank of Mauritius and the banking Act 2004. In order
to comply with such guidelines or in accordance with our duties to regulators, we may provide
authorised persons with access to our records (which may include information about you) for
reporting, auditing and compliance purposes.
Security of your data
MHC takes reasonable steps to preserve the security of cookie and personal information in
accordance with the MHC website Terms of Use and this Security and Privacy Statement. If your
browser is suitably configured, it will advise you whether the information you are sending us will
be secure (encrypted) or not secure (unencrypted).
MHC regularly reviews developments in security and encryption technologies. Unfortunately, no
data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure.
When you register details and are logged into our online services, we use a secure server. Any data
you give us when you are logged into the internet banking service, is encrypted using a 'Secure
Socket Layer' (SSL) session. SSL is an industry standard and is one of the best ways to ensure
Internet messages are not intercepted. You should be aware, however, that some older browsers
cannot use SSL. If your browser does not support 128 bit encryption (or higher) you will not be
able to log into or use our online service. The system has a username, password and a randomly
generated image. Furthermore, the system will log out in case of inactivity over a period of time.
Apart from things we do to protect you there are things that you can also do to protect yourself
while using our online service. You must not include confidential information when using them
(such as bank account details).
Messages sent and received via the message service when you are logged into your accounts via
our online service, are encrypted and therefore secure.
While we use SSL encryption to protect online user information, we will use all reasonable
endeavors to protect user information off-line. However, any personal details or other information
entered onto or submitted through the site or by email to MHC is entered or transmitted at the user's
risk and MHC shall not be liable for any such information being intercepted or accessed by any
third party without the knowledge of MHC or any of its employees or agents.
Use of Cookies
MHC may work with third parties to research certain usage and activities on our website on our
behalf. No personal information about you is shared except to the extent it is required to be used
by a third party or parties for providing such research, and in the course of conducting this research
we, and/or these third parties may place a unique "cookie" on your browser.
A cookie is a small file which is sent to your browser and stored on your computer's hard disc and
helps MHC understand and track your use of the site and where it can improve the information
and services provided. MHC uses IP addresses are not linked to other personally identifiable
information and will not be used to deliver targeted marketing messages.
As a result of improvements, we make to our services, amendments to laws or regulation or
developments in the technology or processes we use, we may change the information we hold
about you and/or the way in which or the purposes for which we process such information. Where
we require your consent to such change we will notify you of the change. However, unless you
inform us otherwise, we will deem your continued receipt of products and services to which the
change relates to constitute your consent to the relevant change.
We wish our service to meet your expectations on all occasions. To do so we need the information
we hold about you to be accurate and up to date. Please help us by informing us promptly of any
changes to your personal circumstances.
This Privacy Policy supplements, but does not supersede, the terms of the Rules of Use of this
Control Measures
We have set up the following operational and control measures for MHC Internet Banking
Access to Internet Banking is provided only on registration. The User ID and password generation
is conducted in a secure environment and its distribution is automated.
This reduces risks. Change of User ID and password on the first log on is mandatory.
All correspondence on the service is sent to the address registered at the MHC.
Customer logins and activities are tracked and archived for future reference.
Customer can fix the limits on the monetary value of transactions, which they desire to carry out
over this service. The customer alone can modify this.
To enhance the security in conducting banking and other transactions, it is recommended that
customers adopt the following practices. These are not special to our site; world over expect their
customers to do this much in mutual interest.
Username and password allow entry to the internet banking site. Smart users avoid typing these
on the keyboard while someone is close by. Maintain different passwords for Login and for
Do not leave your computer unattended while you’re connected to
It is advisable to change your password if you believe that anyone has managed to
get access to it. Using ‘untrusted’ systems for banking transactions is best avoided
Please log off and close the browser window after you have finished your session. Improper
logging off will leave the connection between your machine and active for some
Avoid writing down your Username and password in your diary or such place, which can be
accessed by others. It is not a good idea to let the computer ‘remember’ your Username and
password. Never divulge your Username and password to others.
Periodically check your account statements. Any error in account statements should be reported to
the MHC immediately.
Copyright and Trademarks
Copyright in the Material on this Web Site is owned by MHC Except where necessary for viewing
the Material on this web site on your browser, or as permitted under the Copyright Act or other
applicable laws or these Terms of Use, no Material on this web site may be reproduced, adapted,
uploaded to a third party, linked to, framed, performed in public, distributed or transmitted in any
form by any process without the specific written consent of MHC.
Prompt Response for Enquiries, Feedback and Suggestions
We welcome and encourage customer enquiries, feedback, suggestions and complaints. These will
help us identify and improve on any weaknesses in the services we provide. An effort to address
any concern or answer any questions our customers may have, we endeavour to ensure that we
have a well-trained team to provide a prompt and satisfactory response.
Contact Information:
MHC Ltd.
MHC Building,
Révérend Jean Lebrun Street,
Port Louis
Tel # +230- 405 5555
You are hereby requested to seek advice in case of any doubt whether as to use or otherwise, as
MHC shall not be liable for any action, damage or loss or whatever nature arising hereunder.